Lambda Markets — February 2023

Lambda Markets
5 min readMar 22, 2023


Lambda has ramped up hiring + released new product features in February ’23 and we’re looking forward to doing more.

Quick glance:

  • We’ve hired new developers to help expand our product offering.
  • v0.3.4-beta is now live and features implied volatility data for Bitcoin + Ethereum, minor bug fixes and preparation for v0.3.5-beta (a HUGE update)
  • Solana had an unexpected outage in February that did not impact our operations + we were not at all exposed to the USDC saga.
  • The project roadmap has been updated to reflect the most efficient path forward for the project.


v0.3.4-beta is now live, which includes small user identified bug-fixes + preparatory changes for v0.3.5-beta. The next update is a massive one!

This will take our Strike Algorithm to the next level and provide greater flexibility for the future. We’re currently working hard on generating backend signals and ingesting full-scale data feeds.

In the next month, you can expect even more pairs, indicators, and faster charting on Lambda 2.0. Get ready for an unparalleled trading experience!

A significant stride forward in February was the replication of calculated TradingView values on our backend infrastructure. This now opens the door to the market screener, trading alert feeds + immense flexibility in data manipulation and investigation.

The backend generation is far more efficient than the headless browser/scraping methodology that was previously implemented in Lambda 1.0 — overall this a major leap forward to scale the application.

Internally we are running v0.3.5-beta and it’s in the final stage of quality testing. This is a major milestone for us, and we anticipate that this will pave the road forward for much faster project development.

Users would have noticed the following updates in February:

  • Strike signal change (soft signals are now circular)
  • Speed updates
  • Toggles for signals and levels
  • UI improvements
  • Discord synchronisation and public profile settings

This is just the beginning and we look forward to rolling out v0.3.5-beta in March 2023!!


We’ve successfully onboarded two senior developers to help progress project development. They’ve already hit the ground running with Trade Engine + Macro Dashboard backend development and we’ll be sharing updates as they come!

We are on the hunt for a UI/UX developer to join us and help speed up updates to the application’s front-end. If you or anyone that you know would be interested in the position, please reach out via discord.

Requirements for UI/UX developer:

→ Versed with modern front-end development

→Experience in building structure components using TailwindCSS/Vue and Modern Javascript/Typescript (We use Vue3)

→ Github CI/CD (actions) experience in combination with testability is a bonus (not a must)

→ Has used Figma to translate design into functional and testable components.

→ Takes responsibility over his/her work, does not wait for input but asks until all questions are answered.

→ Can demonstrate prior work given the requirements above.

Forward information to:


Get ready for our latest updates! By the end of March, we’ll be rolling out v0.3.5-beta, followed by the highly-anticipated Macro Dashboard in April.

We’ve also taken some time to revisit our Staking feature in light of recent developments from the SEC regarding other protocols. While our staking feature is unique, we’re excited to share more about it in the coming week.

Lambda Markets — Project Roadmap

v0.3.5-beta is quite the upgrade and will be our largest yet. Expect a large chunk of the Q1/Q2 roadmap items to be covered in this update.

Solana — Teething Issues

Solana experienced roughly a 24 hour-long outage that sparked fear and panic for some. But as the community does, within hours the chain was back online and running faster than any other chain.

TL;DR — Solana pushed an upgrade — There was a suspected bug in the upgrade — The bug caused slow transactions and deteriorated efficiency of the blockchain — Validators have been instructed to restart the network from a known period in time to undo the bug — The restart is underway now and should be completed within hours

Some very helpful signals!

Strike has proved to continue picking tops and bottoms on the high timeframes. Over the coming month an updated tutorial in written and in video format will become available in our documentation + YouTube channel.

USDC Update

USDC has now restored it’s peg to the US dollar, but over the weekend it was quite scary for a lot of people. If you’re unfamiliar with the situation, Ted wrote a quick thread on it 👇

TL;DR — Funds are safe and with regard to LMDA liquidity; we will keep an eye on matters. There is no need to panic and we will bootstrap other markets when required. USDC has proven that it will be able to withstand periods of market panic and is a solid, regulated entity. We warned our members of a potential issue at 17:00 UTC Friday, the day prior to the depeg.

The second LMDA burn 🔥

5.53% of the total LMDA supply has been burnt, forever. These tokens were activated in the Lambda Vault for subscriptions to Lambda 2.0

Lambda Burn #2–5.53% of the LMDA supply has been burnt

You can verify the burn transaction here:


Before interacting with us in any way, become familiar with our terms 👇

